Paper Submission Guidelines
You can send word file only for either Abstract and/or Full paper. As a general rule, authors must provide following information
First and last name with Title (Dr. Mr. Miss,.etc)
Name of the department and institution
Mailing address and email address
Telephone number and fax number
Name of the track (such as Finance...)
Please note: if you do not provide these information, your paper or abstract will not be accepted.
Please submit either your abstract or full paper to Professor Dr. Mohammad Hoque via email: paprescon@gmail.com
For sending only Abstract (not more than 300 words)
If you decide to send just abstract, you need to make sure that the following are included:
Brief statement of Research question or objective or statement of problem
Period of study, methodology or model used and
A brief statement of findings
For Sending Full Paper
As a guide, papers must be between 4000 to 4500 words in length and must be contained within 20 pages including tables and references. A title of not more than fifteen words should be provided. All papers must include an Abstract and conform to the following generic format: introduction, literature review, methodology, findings/discussion, conclusion/implications and references.
Please use the checklist provided below to ensure that your paper meets the requirements prior to publication. In case of noncompliance to these guidelines, your paper will be excluded from being published.
Please send us your paper in word format, not PDF files.
Papers must be written in A4 paper size. (21cm x 29.7 cm) and the automatic margins that have been set for this paper size must be strictly adhered to for all text, headings, tables and figures.
Title of the paper is no more than 15 words, centred and in 16pt font.
Author(s) name(s) appear below paper title in 14pt font and centred
Leave two empty lines before and after the name(s) of the author(s)
All text in Arial provided
Section/sub-titles are in numbered sequentially, in bold and 14pt font
Leave one empty line before and after each section/sub-title
Line spacing throughout paper is single-spaced (no double spacing please)
Abstract is in italics and justified both with 2.5 inch margin on both sides
Field of Research is indicated after Abstract. Leave two empty lines after Field.
All text is in 12pt font
Author(s) affiliation, address and email is provided at the bottom of the first page in 10pt font
Figures, tables and charts are included within the body of the paper
Figures, text or tables are not coloured or shaded
Tables or figures do not break across two pages
All text is justified
Double space between two paragraphs are provided
No table provided in introduction, within conclusion and just after conclusion
All tables are provided within the margin and titles of the tables are centred
No space left at the beginning of the sentence of the new paragraph
Heading of the table or figure is provided on the top of the table or figure
End-notes are included – if applicable (Please do not use footnotes) before reference section
Paper has been checked for grammar and spelling
References provided at the end in alphabetical order and 1cm hanging indent. Please delete all brackets before and after year of publication
No headers to be included in the paper
Page numbers to be included in a footer on the bottom right hand corner of the page in Times New Roman size 12.
References should be completed and in Harvard style. They should contain full bibliographical details and journal titles should not be abbreviated. For multiple citations in the same year use a, b, c immediately following the year of publication. References should be shown within the text by giving the author's last name followed by a comma and year of publication all in round brackets, e.g. (Fox, 1994). At the end of the article should be a reference list in alphabetical order.