Paper Evaluation Report
There are hundreds of conferences in the world and hardly any conference provides the option to receive written review reports like us. This review report provides comments on every section of the paper which will assist authors to improve/revise the papers. Paper Evaluation Rport (PER) is only sent to those authors who have chosen and paid for this option. The cost of this option is US$100 dollars for foreign residents and Taka 6,000 of local residents.
If you submit only abstract for the conference and if you want written review report on your paper, you must submit the full paper (in MS WORD file format, not PDF) by 5 December 2024. We will not provide any review report for the full paper which are not submitted by the deadline. Please also ensure that you STRICTLY follow the guidelines (Please see the Paper Submission Guidelines link on the left land side of this website) when writing your full paper please ensure that your paper is formatted according to the Paper Submission Guidelines.